Bill Atkin, Professor of Law at Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand, spent the month of September 2016 in Cambridge as a Visiting Scholar of Trinity College. He is one of New Zealand’s leading family law experts, and from 2007 until 2016 inclusive he was the General Editor of the International Survey of Family Law. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Cambridge Family Law Centre. While in Cambridge he completed several papers including one on law and identity for a colloquium in New Caledonia. His primary focus was “relationship property”, as matrimonial property is called in New Zealand. He wrote a complete draft of a paper for a colloquium on the subject held in Auckland New Zealand in December 2016. In addition, he did background work for a new edition of his book on relationship property, to be finished by September 2017. The New Zealand Law Commission is working on a project on the same subject and Bill is a member of the Commission’s Expert Advisory Panel.