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9.30-10.15am Registration and morning coffee [Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College]
10.15-10.30am Welcome

Speaker panel 1

Anatol Dutta, University of Regensburg

'Brexit and family law from a continental perspective – what we will miss'

Janeen Carruthers & Elizabeth Crawford, University of Glasgow

'Divorcing Europe: Reflections on the implications of Brexit for cross-border family cases from a Scottish perspective'

Paul Beaumont, University of Aberdeen

'Private international law concerning children in the UK after Brexit: comparing Hague Treaty law with EU Regulations'

12.15-1.30pm Lunch

Speaker panel 2

Nigel Lowe, Cardiff University

'What are the implications of the Brexit vote for law on international child abduction?'

Helen Stalford, University of Liverpool

'Protecting Children's Right to Respect for Family Life after Brexit'

Ruth Lamont, University of Manchester

'Not a European Family: Implications of Brexit for Cross-National Family Life'

3.0-3.30pm Afternoon Tea

Practitioner panel discussion

Including: Rebecca Bailey-Harris, David Hodson, Rachael Kelsey, Tim Scott QC, Henry Setright QC, Gavin Smith.

… followed by close not later than 5pm

  For those who are able to stay on:
7pm Pre-dinner drinks, Fellows’ Dining Room, Gonville & Caius, followed by…


Dress code: smart casual

This programme may be subject to change.