Fabiola Lathrop is a full professor of Private Law at University of Chile. She is currently Deputy Director of the Private Law Department at University of Chile.
Fabiola obtained her Ph.D. in Law from the University of Salamanca in 2008, and has been visiting professor at Queen Mary College, London University in 2016. She is a lecturer at the Judicial Academy of Chile since 2007, researcher at National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development of Chile (Fondecyt) since 2009, and occasional consultant for UNICEF-Chile since 2012. She also was advisor to the Ministry of Social Development of Chile on the legislative agenda for children in 2015-2016.
Her main research areas in Personal and Family Law are marriage, cohabitation/de facto unions, divorce, the elderly, filiation, parental responsibility, constitutionalisation of family law, intellectual disability, gender andchildren's rights.
Professor Lathrop is the author of Custodia Compartida de los Hijos (Shared custody of children) published by La Ley in 2008. She has also published numerous articles in professional journals such as Discapacidad intelectual: análisis crítico de la interdicción por demencia en Chile (Intellectual disability: critical analysis of dementia interdiction in Chile) (2019) and A propósito de la Unión Civil en Chile: por una Jurisprudencia Feminista y Queer (On the Civil Union in Chile: for a Feminist and Queer Jurisprudence) (2018). She has also published chapters in several books such as Towards the Constitutionalization of Family Law in Latin America in The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law (2019) and Relaxation and dissolution of marriage in Latin America in Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy (2016).