Ingrid Lund-Andersen, Dr. jur., is professor in family law and succession law at the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Denmark.
She has previously been employed at the Counsel for Prosecution and as an associate professor at the Department of Private Law, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Ingrid Lund-Andersen is the author of a monograph on the economic relations in marriage and in unmarried cohabitation, Familieøkonomien (The Family Economy), 2011, and co-author of Nordic Cohabitation Law, 2015, and Family and Succession Law in Denmark, 4nd ed., 2016. Together with colleagues she is the author of text books on family law and on succession law: Familieret (Family Law), 2nd ed., 2012, and Arveretten (Succession Law), 4nd ed., 2014. Her main research fields are family law, comparative law, the rights of the child and the legal position of cohabitants, and she has published numerous articles on these subjects in national and international journals. She is member of the expert group of the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL), member of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL) and member of The Danish Executive Committee for Comparative Law.