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Dr Laurence Francoz Terminal is Maître de conférences at Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 University, and member of the International, European and Comparative Law Research Team (EDIEC-EA 4185).

Since 2010 she is Deputy Director of the Edouard Lambert Comparative Law Institute (, and Director of the English Law degree where she teaches English Contract, Tort and Family Law. She also teaches Family Law and Comparative Law to undergraduate and postgraduate Law students in Lyon and at the University of Essex to students of the English and French Law dual award LLB with Maîtrise program. She regularly teaches in continuous training courses for judges and lawyers, as well as for child protection agents and civil status officers. Since 2010 she is a lay magistrate at the Lyon’s Youth Court.

Her research papers and interests focus on Children Law (civil and criminal law perspectives), Family Law, Filiation and Procreation legal issues, and legal capacity topics (underage people and vulnerable adults), from a national and a comparative perspective.