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Dr Orsolya Szeibert​Orsolya Szeibert Dr. habil. is full-time associate professor on the Law Faculty of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. She belongs to the Civil Law Department and teaches family law and civil law (primarily succession law). Her main research field is international and European comparative family law, matrimonial law, law of unmarried partnerships, succession in the family and children’s rights.

She is the leader of the Postgraduate (LL.M.) Specialist’s Training in Family Law (since 2008) and the Postgraduate Specialist’s Training in Children’s Rights (since 2016) at ELTE. O. Szeibert took part as an expert in the codification process of the Family Law Book of the new Hungarian Civil Code, elaborated the legal commentaries on family law and works as member of the consultant team on civil law of the Hungarian Supreme Court. Her monographs in family law deal with unmarried partnerships; harmonization in matrimonial law and European harmonization in partnerships and parent-child relationship.

She is the co-editor of the Hungarian ‘Family Law Review’ (Családi Jog) and author of several papers in periodicals and collective works in Hungary and abroad (see the list of her publications on Szeibert is member of the expert group at the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL) and member of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL). In 2016 she won the prestigious grant of Hungarian Scientific Research Fund for family law researches for the second time.