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Professor Dr juris Tone Sverdrup holds a Chair in the Faculty of Law, the University of Oslo Norway.

She holds the degree of Economics and Business Administration (siviløkonom) Norwegian School of Economics, NHH in Bergen, 1972 and the Master degree in Law, University of Oslo, 1977. Admitted to the bar 1984. Doctoral degree in Law 1997. Professor of Law at the University of Oslo since 2000. Acting Supreme Court Justice in three periods 2006 – 2009, The Supreme Court of Norway. Main fields of research are family law and property law. Author of several books in family law, among others a monograph on co-ownership in marriage and unmarried cohabitation, and the text book on family law used in the Law Faculties in Norway (the last one together with Peter Lødrup). Member of the Expert group of the Commission on European Family Law (CEFL) and the Executive Council of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL). Co-editor and co-founder of Norway’s leading journal on family law (Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige spørsmål). Organiser of several international Conferences on family law. Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and member of the Academia Europaea.