Marsha Garrison is the Suzanne J. and Norman Miles Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School where she is affiliated with the Law School’s Center for Health, Science & Public Policy. Professor Garrison has co-authored two widely used textbooks: Family Law: Cases, Comments, and Questions (4th, 5th, and 6th eds.) and Law and Bioethics: Individual Autonomy and Social Regulation (1st-3d eds.). She currently serves as President of the International Society of Family Law and was the Society’s Secretary-General from 2005-14. Professor Garrison is a member of the American Law Institute and the Advisory Boards of the Journal of Law and Family Studies and the Child and Family Law Quarterly. She was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Bologna in 2013 and a Senior Fulbright Scholar at Yangon University in 2016. Her recent research has focused on marriage, cohabitation, and child welfare decision making.