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Friday, 20 November 2020

Corresponding membersCambridge Family Law is pleased to announce that two colleagues from Latin America have joined the Centre as corresponding members.

Our new corresponding member for Chile is Fabiola Lathrop. She is a full professor of Private Law at the University of Chile, and currently also Deputy Director of the Private Law Department at University of Chile. Nicolás Espejo Yaksic joins us as corresponding member for Mexico. He is Researcher at the Centre for Constitutional Studies of the Supreme Court of Mexico, where he leads various projects on constitutional and family law, from a human rights perspective.

Corresponding members are the Centre’s first ports of call when undertaking comparative projects or research that requires in-depth knowledge of specific jurisdictions, and Cambridge Centre members likewise offer to help with projects that our corresponding members undertake in their own institutions. Corresponding members also act as a ’gateway’ to the family law community in their jurisdiction, disseminating information on and promoting our activities, including encouraging research students and junior colleagues to visit the Centre. We are delighted to have these new links to Latin America and look forward to working with Fabiola and Nico on future projects.
